With Valentine’s Day in our review mirror, we patiently await the spring months even as much of the northern hemisphere is covered in snow. While people are vaccinated at an increasing pace, restaurant industry advocates continue their push to prioritize workers. In fact, McDonald’s has gone so far …
Restaurant Reputation Management for a Thriving Business
In March 2020, the National Restaurant Association of the USA stated that Covid-19 and lockdown could result in a $225 billion loss for the industry.It's hard to determine the exact loss the restaurant industry has suffered, but there's no denying that it was major. You must have noticed that many …
The Restaurant Gig Economy
The gig is up! You've likely heard of the gig economy for a while, and have probably interacted with it in some way. Intuit predicted that by 2020, 7.6 million Americans would be working as providers in an on-demand economy. We’ve increasingly seen consumer demand for instant gratification and a gig …
Essential Restaurant Platform Technologies for Chefs
The pandemic has dramatically shifted the restaurant industry landscape, from sharply pivoting to offer more off-premise dining to combating employee turnover. Fortunately, the creation of several viable vaccines has provided a light at the end of the tunnel. As life slowly begins to return to some …
Good For What Ales You: Our Restaurant Craft Beer Guide
There is much that goes into serving alcohol in your restaurant, from managing your stock to Alcohol sales have historically represented a robust business opportunity for restaurateurs. Beer alone accounts for roughly 188.79 million kiloliters or approximately 531.97 billion bottles of 12 fluid …
9 Clever Healthy Eating Tips For Students When Ordering Food Delivery
The pandemic has transformed the off-premise dining in the restaurant industry. Social distancing and stringent health laws have driven off-premise dining channels from a portion of sales to the new reality for many of us. While the words “pizza’s here” are an excellent start to the weekend, those …