The restaurant industry has faced unprecedented challenges in 2020. While the end of the pandemic is still unknown, there is both the renewed promise of government assistance and the possibility of a working vaccine. With losses to the industry resulting in many separations, part of rebuilding in a …
8 Restaurant Brand Storytelling Tips to Drive Customer Engagement
If you’re looking for a way to ditch ineffective marketing efforts and refresh your restaurant through some fresh, engaging content, there is a solution. That solution consists of two words – brand storytelling. Brand storytelling has proven to be a success across all industries. Its power to draw …
November 2020: Restaurant Good News Roundup
Another month, another intro about the hardships anyone in the industry already recognizes. Between colder weather stifling outdoor seating for capacity-capped restaurants, and a surge of coronavirus cases, the road to recovery looks long and daunting. Still, some segments are seeing success …
Conception du logo d'un restaurant - Exemple d'un restaurant indien
La conception d'un logo de restaurant peut sembler facile. Vous prenez le thème du restaurant, vous ajoutez une police de caractères élégante et vous êtes prêt à partir ! C'est vrai ? C'est faux ! Tout designer vous dira que ce n'est pas le cas. La conception d'un bon logo pour un restaurant nécessite un travail considérable en amont, et ce avant même d'avoir ...
19 Must-Have Apps for Restaurant Owners
Restaurant management presents many challenges, from operational efficiency to guest satisfaction. Keeping up with your responsibilities is no small task, so staying up-to-date on the latest apps simplifies your job. While restaurant owners are always on the go, many useful tools are found right on …
La ruée vers les vacances à l'ère de la pandémie
La période des fêtes de fin d'année s'annonce sans précédent et les restaurateurs sont confrontés à d'incroyables défis. Avec la recrudescence des cas de coronavirus et l'arrivée du froid qui réduit les possibilités de s'asseoir à l'extérieur, le CDC a lancé des avertissements pour éviter les grands rassemblements, en public comme en privé. Les fêtes de fin d'année sont une activité ...
Conseils pour l'aménagement intérieur des restaurants afin d'augmenter le nombre de clients et les bénéfices
There is so much that goes into creating the perfect restaurant setting. Having the proper interior design aesthetic can potentially make or break the success of your endeavor. Depending on your market, you can even get creative during each season to make your restaurant stand out in other …
Restaurant Industry News Roundup: October 2020
Congratulations! You’ve escaped the haunted mansion, outrun the crazed recluse, and survived past the tenth level of the year. As winter approaches, the entire restaurant industry faces new challenges, with some states totally restricting dine-in options and other revamping seating to ensure their …